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4) Download searched data. The file is in Excel format and includes the full datasheet with all available fields.
dIANA search field descriptions
Sample ID: Sample ID of stable isotope sample ∂13C: The δ13C value of isotope sample ∂15N: The δ15N value of the isotope sample ∂15N (1-σ): Analytical reproducibility of the δ15N measurement (1 σ) ∂34S: The δ34S value of the isotope sample ∂34S (1-σ): Analytical reproducibility of the δ34S measurement (1 σ) C%: Carbon content of isotope (collagen) sample, expressed in mass percentage N%: Nitrogen content of isotope (collagen) sample, expressed in mass percentage S%: Sulphur content of isotope (collagen) sample, expressed in mass percentage C/N: Carbon/nitrogen atomic ratio in (collagen) sample C/S: Carbon/sulphur atomic ratio in (collagen) sample N/S: Nitrogen/sulphur atomic ratio in (collagen) sample Taxon: Genus or species of the sample Material: Sample material Context: Archaeological context assigned by sample submitter Site: Geographic place of origin for sample Country: Country of origin Longitude: Longitude coordinates in decimals or hours/minutes Latitude: Latitude coordinates in decimals or hours/minutes Phase: (Cultural) phase assigned by sample submitter Time Period: General time frame for sample: Pre-Holocene (>11,600 BP); Holocene (<11,600 BP); Post-AD 1950 14C-Age: Radiocarbon age of sample (uncal BP) StDev: Estimated measurement error Lab Code (14C): Lab number of 14C sample Dating Method: AMS/Conventional Lab: Laboratory where sample was analysed Study Field: Study field in question Reference: Publication where sample is reported Comments: Any other essential information, e.g. on used dating methods or sample quality criteria